Friday, February 5, 2016

Black-winged Flycatcher-shrike

Black-winged Flycatcher-shrike (Hemipus hirundinaceus). Usually seen in pairs hawking insect from the tree tops. Habitat : Moist lowland forests to 1,100m, freshwater swamp forest, mangroves and deep jungle. The diet includes insects. Breeding : The cone shaped nest is made from lichens and spider webs. The clutch consists of 2 eggs. The young are fed by both adults.
Distribution: Malay peninsular, Sumatera, Jawa

Location found : Dharmasraya, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia
Photo taken : May 17, 2013

Crested serpent Eagle

Crested serpent Eagle (Spilornis cheela). medium-sized raptors. diurnal and non-migratory. Perches prominently waiting for snake or lizard to move to in the vicinity, flies to grab it, then takes in back to its perch to eat. Also feeds on birds and rats. When not hunting, crested serpent eagles spend a lot of time perched at the edge of a forest surveying their territory. They prefer the edges of forests where they can soar and effectively hunt.
Crested serpent eagles communicate with one another using vocal cues and aerial displays. Their courtship display is fairly complex involving multiple diving runs and mutual soaring with the head and tail feathers raised. They can often be seen soaring over a forest making a distinctive call. There is some geographical variation in the call, but it tends to be a shrill three-note “kluee-wip-wip.” Crested serpent eagles raise their crest when alarmed. Like all birds, they perceive the environment through visual, auditory, tactile, and chemical stimuli. (Del Hoyo, et al., 1994; Wells, 1999)

Distribution : Bangladesh; Bhutan; Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia; China; Hong Kong; India; Indonesia; Japan; Lao People's Democratic Republic; Macao; Malaysia; Myanmar; Nepal; Pakistan; Philippines; Sri Lanka; Taiwan, Province of China; Thailand; Viet Nam.

Location found : Dharmasraya, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia
Photo taken : May 18, 2013

Brahmidia hearseyi

Brahmidia hearseyi. In Borneo the species has been taken infrequently in lowland rainforest and up to 1000m on G. Mulu and 1200m on G. Kinabalu; in Sulawesi B. celebica was encountered more in montane forests.

Location found : Kalabakan, Sabah, Malaysia

Date photo taken : June 23, 2014

Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Commander

The Commander (Moduza procris). It inhabits woods and settles on leaves. It is rather a strong flyer. This butterfly is fairly common in the vicinity of stream and rivers in the forest.
This species is found in heavily forested areas which receive high levels of rainfall, at elevations between sea level and about 400 metres.
Both sexes will visit herbaceous flowers, bushes and flowering trees for nectar.
Males often bask on river beaches, stream beds, road surfaces and boulders. They are strongly attracted to urine soaked ground, where they will sometimes spend an entire day, with bouts of feeding broken by periods of resting or basking.
Source :

Location Found : Kalabakan river, Sabah, Malaysia
Date : June 22, 2014

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Microhyla superciliaris

Microhyla superciliaris; The type locality of this species was originally a limestone crag area surrounded by lowland forest. In Sumatra this species is rare. Data Deficient (DD).
This species is known in Peninsular Malaysia from two localities: Batu Caves near Kuala Lumpur (the type locality), and Kuala Tahan in the Taman Negara National Park. In Sumatra it is known from three localities: two in Gunung Leuser National Park in Aceh (Iskandar pers. comm.), and one near Lahat in south Sumatra (Mumpuni pers. comm.). It is a low altitude species.
This species might be synonymous with Microhyla palmipes (see Berry 1975). However, Iskandar (pers. comm.) considers that it is a separate species.
Species distribution : Batu Caves, Kuala Tahan (Malaysia). Gunung Leuser National Park in Aceh, Lahat in south Sumatra (Indonesia).

Location found : Aceh Tamiang, North Sumatera, Indonesia
Date : May 14, 2014

Sumatran Collared Mongoose

Sumatran Collared mongoose (Herpestes semitorquatus uniformis). Data Deficient (IUCN-2008) and Near Threatened (IUCN-2015). remains to be studied. Is distinguished from the Bomean H. s. semitorquatus by the near absence of dark agoutibanding on the individual hairs, which results in a bright fox-red body colour.  this species occurs in a number of different habitats, including primary forest, disturbed habitat, lowlands and hills, and in both disturbed and primary habitat.
Distribution : this sub-species in Sumatra (Indonesia)

The species’ use of recently abandoned or current shifting agriculture and oil palm plantations remains unknown, given the low survey effort in them.The few Collared Mongoose records from Sumatra have all been of the orange-red morph.  It is likely that the species has been under-recorded both in Borneo and, particularly, Sumatra because of confusion with the similarly coloured Malay Weasel Mustela nudipes or with Short-tailed Mongoose.
On Borneo, this species has been recorded in a variety of habitats including primary and logged lowland mixed dipterocarp forest  (Wells et al. 2005, Wilting et al. 2010), high-elevation forest (Davis 1958, J. Ross pers. comm. 2014), burnt forest (Mathai et al. 2010ab, J. Mathai pers. comm. 2014) and very occasionally in peat swamp forest (Cheyne et al. 2010) (although not in mangrove forest), mixed secondary forest-acacia plantation mosaics (Belden et al. 2007) and mixed mature Albizzia-cacao plantation (Stuebing and Gasis 1989). Hence, this species exhibits some tolerance to disturbed/modified habitat although the preference may be undisturbed forest (A. Wilting pers. comm. 2014).

Location found : Aceh Tamiang, North Sumatera, Indonesia
Date : May 15, 2014

White-eye ??

Very confuse.
Enggano White-eye (Zosterops salvadorii); New record to Aceh.  small size (10cm). olive -colored backs like Zosterops palpebrosus buxtoni, yellow breasted, side light gray. brown iris , beak and feet are black. has a silvery fur circles around the eyes , so called White-eye.
any idea for this species ??
Distribution : Enggano Island (south west of Sumatra), Indonesia.

Location found : Aceh Tamiang, North Sumatera, Indonesia
Date : May 15, 2014